Focus On Your Funds is a 6-week marketing transformational program. Build a brand that pays from the ground up. This program is for you if you have a proven product, quality service or looking to bring more customers into your store-front.
Learn how to:
- Grow your Social Media with real followers, turn them into customers and transform your sales
- Create magnetic content through StorySelling
- Determine your sales goals and develop a marketing system to automate your growth.
- Create automated campaigns to reach thousands of customers at a time
- Use Facebook & Instagram Ads to scale your sales from $0 to $5K plus months
> Live Weekly Group Sessions online with other business owners.
> One-on-One Consulting calls each week
> Email access to Gabrielle Noelle for Q & A’s
> Lifetime access to Video Lessons, resources, workbooks, and supplemental material.
Attract more clients and grow your business in as little as 6 weeks …
Quick question: What does online marketing mean for you, your bank account and your business? I ask because while most entrepreneurs KNOW it’s the holy grail of sustaining a profitable business, many HATE promoting and marketing their services and products.
Well, they say …
Marketing sucks the fun out of running a business.
Marketing is too hard trying to keep up with ever-changing marketing strategies and rules of engagement.
And marketing requires tech work that takes them too much time to do.
But I say marketing is easy … when you have a failproof process that attracts and intrigues qualified leads and buyers 24/7.
And that failproof process is precisely what I’ll reveal inside my 6-Week Business Foundation Bootcamp.
During our incredible 6 weeks together, you’ll discover how to reset and channel your inner Ciara to “level up” your marketing so you can turn on the faucet for more customers and cash.
With my help, you’ll:
- Tighten up your business strategy and create marketing and profit plans that are fun and easy to implement.
- Discover how to target the right clients and how to effectively research competitors so you can position your business to stand as the better choice at every turn.
- Get step-by-step guidance on content creation and social media marketing.
PLUS, you’ll end our time together exactly how to use hashtags to cut through the noise of social media, turn followers into buyers and create an affordable and effective online advertising strategy, so you reach a more targeted audience faster.
Oh and I’ll also reveal rarely-talked-about marketing strategies I use to grow my own business and show you how to attract more buyers, build more influence and grow your business – no tech skills required.
Now, if your goal for this year is to grow your business or to master online marketing so you can reach more of the people who need you most, then you’re gonna LOVE the 6-Week Focus on Your Funds Program.
Your journey to make 2019 your best year yet starts here: